Modern Warfare 3 God Mode Hack!

Download Modern Warfare 3 God Mode Hack.exe

Virustotal results
File name:
Modern Warfare 3 God Mode Hack.exe
Submission date:
2013-11-26 09:44:28 (UTC)
Current status:
0/ 43 (0.0%)

Due to popular demand the file will lock after 1000 downloads so it does not get saturated.
Live Stats: 977/1000 Downloads

  1. Open up Modern Warfare 3 God Mode Hack.exe 
  2. Type your gamertag/psn name in the text box
  3. Click "Make me God"
  4. Wait up to 5 minutes, sign into your account.
  5. You now have God-Mode enabled

    As you can see I cannot die, my health will just stay low and never drop to 0. It took me 3 days to code this so please appreciate it!